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Thursday, April 26, 2012

Statistics grim as days pass in disappearance of Tucson child Isabel Celis -

Isabel Mercedes Celis, missing from her home in Tucson, AZ on April 21, 

My article about the disappearance of Isabela Celis from Tucson, AZ is a reminder that even in light of grim statistics there is reason to maintain Hope. 

Click here to redirect to  - Statistics grim as days pass in disappearance of Tucson child Isabel Celis.


  1. Sad. My thoughts and prayers are with the family.

    On the way over to read your article...

  2. Slamdunk thank you so much for taking the time to read the article and especially for thoughts and prayers for this family.

  3. Wow, this is amazing and gives hope to the families who await their children's safe arrival! In this case the system failed to keep children safe by letting that sick man rome free. What a shame!


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