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Thursday, May 9, 2013

Robert K. Ressler - A Legend to those who fight monsters

Robert K. Ressler

Robert K. Ressler (02/15/37 - 05/05/13)

A former FBI Agent and Criminologist, Ressler is considered the granddad of "criminal profiling" at the Behavioral Sciences Unit at the Bureau and developed many of the programs that led to the creation of the FBI's National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime. His contributions to this field have been numerous and immeasurable. 

~A hero, a mentor, and a Man who fought Monsters. ~ I devoured his books when I was younger and grew up to fight monsters too. My inspiration. Robert will be missed.

For additional information

About the Author: Kym L. Pasqualini is founder of the Nation’s Missing Children Organization in 1994 and the National Center for Missing Adults in 2000. Kym has spent 20 years working with government officials, law enforcement, advocates, private investigators, and national media. Kym is now a freelance writer and serves as an expert in the field of missing persons and victim advocacy.

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