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Wednesday, July 10, 2013

$5,000 Reward Offered by Family of Missing Person Sean Sidi

Sean Sidi vanished on May 21, 2013 near 150 Oak Street in San Francisco, CA. With the help of an army of volunteers, the Sidi family has conducted ground searches, held vigils, posted thousands of fliers, and even traveled to the Montana Rainbow Gathering in an effort to find the missing nineteen year old. The Sean Sidi Facebook page is now averaging over 7,000 visitors per day. Hoping to generate the one lead that will bring Sean home safe, the family is announcing they are offering a $5,000.00 reward for anyone with information that leads to Sean’s safe return or the arrest and conviction of any person(s) responsible for his disappearance.

For nearly two months since Sean’s disappearance, the Sidi family has enlisted the help of their community in a desperate effort to try to locate the missing young man who suffers from a severe traumatic brain injury (TBI). According to a statement issued by Dr. Geoffrey Manley, Chief of Neurosurgery at San Francisco General Hospital, “Sean’s medical condition puts him at significant risk of death, or of not making a meaningful recovery from his brain injury if not found quickly.” Sean underwent emergency brain surgery only months before he vanished.

According to missing person experts, Sean is considered an extremely “high risk” missing person case. Kym L. Pasqualini has worked in the field of missing persons for twenty years as founder and former CEO of the National Center for Missing Adults. “Sean’s medical condition places him in a category of individuals with a disability who are at significant risk of injury or victimization if not found immediately,” says Pasqualini. “Every day Sean is missing creates more concern and urgency.”

Sean’s mother Lynn Ching hopes offering the reward will be the incentive that someone needs to provide information about Sean Sidi’s whereabouts.

The Sidi family has released a new missing person flier that includes the $5,000.00 reward and phone number for the San Francisco Police Department. The Sidi family is also asking for help of more volunteers to continue distributing and sharing Sean’s flier nationwide. The Reward flier can be downloaded and printed at or fliers can be mailed by contacting

Kym L. Pasqualini is founder and served as 17 years as CEO of the Nation’s Missing Children Organization & National Center for Missing Adults until 2010. Kym is an expert in the field of missing persons and continues to advocate for crime victims utilizing 20 years’ experience working with government officials, law enforcement, advocates, private investigators, and national media. Kym can be contcted at or 480.466.0063.

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